Tony Malkin's Remarkable Journey

A Life on the High Seas

A boat labeled

As the sun sets on Tony’s illustrious career, we take a voyage through the chapters of his life. From cargo technician to underwriting specialist, from storm-tossed seas to boat shows, Tony’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Person entering a Knox-Johnston branded bus with finance and insurance service displays outside.

Setting Sail: The Early Years

Tony’s maritime journey began at John Townsend in September 1979, where he stepped aboard as a cargo technician.

In 1982, Tony charted a new course. He joined Knox-Johnston Insurance Brokers, specialising in yacht insurance alongside the esteemed Chris Knox-Johnston. Together, they safeguarded vessels against the unpredictable moods of wind and wave.

Anchoring at Haven: A Multifaceted Role

Tony’s next port of call was Haven. Here, he worked closely with Roger Fitter of Syndicate 40 (managed by Murray Lawrence and Partners). His responsibilities covered a wide spectrum of roles: office manager, underwriter, claims manager, and even accountant. For four years, he wore these hats until he found his true calling and specialised in Underwriting.


The Tempest of ’87: Weathering the Storm

The infamous Great Storm of ’87 wreaked havoc on yachts along the West Country, South Coast, and East Anglia. Amid the chaos, Tony stood firm, ensuring that boats and their owners found safe harbour.

In 1987/8 Tony assisted Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, with refitting the legendary yacht Suhaili for the OSTAR (Original Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race). The same vessel that carried Sir Robin Knox-Johnston around the world – the very embodiment of adventure and resilience.

A man in formal attire stands in a trade show booth for Haven Knox-Johnston and Lloyd's, with promotional materials behind him.
Four men in formal black-tie attire standing side by side in an office setting with blinds and a clock in the background.

Haven Knox-Johnston: A New Horizon

When Chris Knox-Johnston sailed into Haven, the company transformed. Renamed Haven Knox-Johnston, it became a beacon for sailors seeking protection and peace of mind. Tony’s dedication played a pivotal role in this evolution. Over the years, Tony’s experience and wealth of knowledge of all things boaty and underwriting made him one of the most prized crewmates in the business, leading, eventually to him being made senior underwriter and a figure of some sway when we were negotiating agreements with our insurer partners.  Tony’s level of expertise is hard to come by in this day and age.

Hoisting the Sails: Boat Shows and Beyond

Showcasing Excellence

From London to Southampton, Ipswich to Torquay, the Inland Waterways Show and Bewl Water, Tony crisscrossed boat shows, cementing his position in the Marine Insurance industry, as he connected with fellow seafarers.

Sailing Adventures

Tony’s love for sailing extended beyond the office. On the Ocean Youth Club’s 78ft yacht, he explored the Channel Islands and France, tasting the salt spray firsthand. The Tall Ships Race from Spain to the United Kingdom aboard the Lutine (Nic 55) was a thrilling chapter in his seafaring saga.

Four people are standing together, smiling at the camera while holding drinks. They are dressed casually and wearing name tags.
A man wearing a white jacket and sunglasses steers a sailboat, while another person stands nearby.

Racing Against the Wind: Regattas and Challenges

Tony’s competitive spirit found expression in the RORC racing season aboard Nic 345, including the legendary Fastnet Race. Brighton’s Winter Series witnessed his skilful manoeuvres on the same boat. And on Suhaili, he took part in numerous races including the Frost Bite from St. Katherine’s Dock and the Round The Island Race.

Tony’s later voyages were no less daring. Crewing on Suhaili from Weymouth to Maryport, before Robin’s trip to Greenland with John Dunn and Chris Bonnington. And on the Elan 36, he took on the Round The Island Race once more. Sir Robin holds our very own Tony in high regard and has stated that it was ‘always a pleasure to sail with Tony’

Farewell Tony

As Tony sails into retirement, his wake leaves a legacy of passion, resilience, and salt-streaked memories. Fair winds, Tony – may your next chapter be as thrilling as the open sea itself.

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