Protect our habitats

Designated Areas Of Protection

Around the coasts of Britain, there are designated areas of protected seabeds. Seagrass and Maerl are some of the most rapidly declining habitats on earth and are an essential part of our eco-system. The seabeds support an abundance of species and are important nursery grounds for fish, they also store carbon and help reduce coastal erosion.

What can I do?

Be conscious of your anchorage spot

Stay informed of protected Seagrass and Maerl beds across the UK. Use these maps to help  plan your trips and anchor respectfully.

Seagrass is located in the five LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project sites (Isles of Sicily, Falmouth and Helford Estuaries, Plymouth Sound and Estuaries and the Solent). Here is an example of one of the maps available:

Be wildlife-wise

If you see some of buddy’s buddies in the water, be it dolphins, seals or even the odd penguin, ermmmm, I mean heron, then take steps to ensure that you keep your distance and don’t disturb the wildlife.

  • Stay 300 ft away from wildlife and cliffs or beaches where they breed.
  • Slow down, keep to the speed limit and don’t exceed 4 knots when close to banks and shorelines.
  • Don’t go full throttle – reduce your wash.
  • Keep it clean – a clean propeller reduces your impact on underwater habitats.
  • Hold your beak shut – turn off music and lower voices when close to wildlife.
  • Stick to your path – maintain a steady course so you don’t confuse the wildlife and prevent collisions.
  • Avoid passing directly through groups of animals or rafts of birds, as this can separate mothers from their young.

Install an Advanced Mooring System

Traditional swing moorings can cause substantial abrasion to the seabed, an AMS is an innovative and pragmatic system designed to reduce the impact on fragile beds. Further information about AMS can be accessed here.

Become the first line of defence.

Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to our fragile eco-systems. It is important to check your boat, equipment and kit and keep them clean and clear. This will help reduce the risk of transporting invasive plants and animals on to new habitats.

Find out more about the threat of invasive species here

Click below to find out how we can PREVENT water pollution:

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+44 (0)1732 223 650
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