Consider choosing greener

We all have a responsibility to play our part in reducing our environmental footprint, so make a difference by choosing greener, especially every time you set sail.

Water & energy

Water and energy are finite resources. We not only need to protect these resources for the future, but we also need to mitigate the impact of energy production on our ecosystems.

What can I do?

Be mindful of water use

Fix dripping taps, avoid running taps, use plug in basins and install water saving devices. Don’t leave hoses running unnecessarily when refilling or cleaning.

Make better choices

CONSIDER electric/bio diesel engines and use low energy electrics such as LEDS and solar and wind lights. Look for FSC certified wood. As mentioned previously, avoid anything with polyethylene and choose phosphate-free detergents.

Explore ways that you can go greener

Check your engines and implement ways to help reduce emissions. Electric boating is the future.

Dispose and recycle your boat responsibly.

Look for providers who can help – have a list here.

Let’s sail smart and protect our precious waters!

Further useful resources from The Green Blue

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