Make a claim on your boat insurance

We've settled 93% of all boat insurance claims in the last 12 months*

Making A Claim HKJ

Navigating your boat insurance claim

We understand that having to claim on your pride and joy can be very stressful. There’s the worry of whatever happened in the first place, plus everything else on your plate. That’s why we’re here – to take the weight off your shoulders, and the wheel (or rudder, or oar) from your hands.  Did you know we’ve settled 93% of all claims in the last 12 months, rest assured our claims crew have got this for you.
*HKJ Claims Data May 2023 to May 2024


Claims line
+44 (0)1732 223 610

Outside our core hours of 9am to 5pm, you’ll be transferred to our messaging service, where you can leave details of your loss or damage. We’ll aim to get back to you by the next working day. Or you can call our emergency helpline.

Emergency out-of-hours helpline
+44 (0)20 8502 6999

If you need urgent help outside of our office hours, we’ve arranged for C Claims, a specialist marine loss adjusting company, to provide an emergency claims helpline. They’ll be able to help you with initial advice in circumstances that are likely to lead to a claim under your insurance. After the initial stage, you should come to us (and anyone else we appoint to help you) for advice and consultation.

Report a Claim

Understanding the process

Something’s happened to your boat (or someone else’s) and with the stress of it all, your mind’s gone blank. Is it serious? What should you do now? And do you need to claim or not?

Don’t worry – we’re here to help, and we’ll help you navigate your boat insurance claim from start to finish. Have a read below, and then get in touch.

Lighthouse scene HKJ

It’s really important that we’re told straightaway about any event that may lead to a claim under your boat insurance. We may forward a claim form to you to fill in as soon as we’re told of the incident. This should be returned to us, fully completed, as soon as possible, whether or not you intend to make a formal claim.

We may ask you:
(a) to get estimates for repairing any damage


(b) to get quotes for the replacement of any items lost or destroyed.

Any estimates or quotes should be sent to us straightaway. We reserve the right to ask you to get alternative estimates.

We may instruct a surveyor to inspect and/or investigate. Except in an emergency or to prevent further damage, repair instructions should not be given without our prior agreement.

When you’re happy with the repairs, the invoice should be paid by you and the receipted invoices forwarded to us for payment to you. At your request we are able to pay the repairer direct.
