Frequently Asked Questions


What should I do if my own vessel is damaged?

Take immediate action to safeguard and protect any property from further damage or deterioration. This may include first aid to the engine.

Get help (professional if necessary) to safeguard and protect your boat and equipment.

If a tow is required, try to agree a realistic charge or fee before you accept.

Keep all broken, torn or damaged items for inspection and look after them as best you can.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.

What should I do if my vessel is damaged by a third party?

As well as requesting the name(s) and address(es) of the helm and boat owner, get details of the boat type, class, number, name, and club, along with any witness details.

If you’re racing, make sure you protest the Third Party if they didn’t accept a penalty, and gather witness statements.

If you’re involved in a road accident, call the police to the scene and get details of the driver, vehicle and insurer, as well as any witnesses.

 If possible, write down all the details and make a sketch of the site.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.

What should I do if I cause any damage to third parties?

If a Third Party wants to hold you liable for damage, give them your name, policy number and boat details, and pass on your Haven Knox-Johnston insurance details.

You should acknowledge any correspondence and pass it on to us straight away.

Do not admit any liability or make any offer of payment.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.

What should I do if my vessel is stolen or vandalised?

Report any theft or malicious damage to the police promptly.

Keep a note of the Police Crime Reference Number.

Let us know the serial numbers of any engines, tenders etc.

Notify your club and local harbour master with the full details of the theft/vandalism.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.

Helpful advice

It may seem like strange advice, but when you experience loss or damage to your vessel, you should act as though you are uninsured. In other words, act as though you’re covering the cost of the problem without claiming on your insurance. This approach will help you take reasonable steps to minimise the loss. 

Where possible, please take photographs of any damage to your vessel.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.

Understanding the details

Please remember that the repair contract is between you and the contractor. Any instructions about either repair or replacement must come from you. However, you must get our agreement in the first place.

Please read your policy wording carefully, because your claim may be subject to deductions in addition to your policy excess.

The above is for information purposes only. It’s not intended to define legal terms, or to affect the interpretation of any policy we may issue. If you have any questions about your insurance, the best thing to do is get your particular questions answered individually by your insurance broker or insurer.